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Financial therapy

Helping you feel calm, confident, and in control of your finances and decisions.

Let's talk money–it can feel stressful, overwhelming, even embarrassing to admit we struggle with it.

And it’s not just about the numbers – it's about the emotions tied to them. Maybe you:

  • Dread checking your bank account

  • Fight about money with your partner

  • Struggle with impulse spending or feel guilty about how you spend

  • Feel stuck in a cycle of saving and spending with no progress to show for it

  • Never feels like there is enough

Financial stress is incredibly common. Yet, it’s one of the least discussed topics in therapy! It doesn't matter how much you make – we all have a relationship with money, and for many of us, it could be a little healthier. 

It's possible to feel calm, confident, and in control of your finances.

Financial therapy is about understanding your relationship with money and creating a plan that works for you.

Financial therapy can help you feel empowered in the midst of:

  • Impulse purchases and overspending

  • Anxiety about finances

  • Lack of confidence with finances

  • Conflict with partner over money

  • Money shame or guilt

  • Feeling stuck in a financial cycle

  • Fear about the future

How it works

Imagine a safe space where you can explore your unique relationship with money, without judgment.

That's what Financial Therapy offers. It's a collaborative journey where we work together to transform your relationship with money from one of stress and anxiety to one of empowerment and control.

Through open conversation, we'll identify your financial goals, whether it's saving for a dream vacation, getting out of debt, or planning for retirement. Together, we'll develop strategies to achieve them. This might involve uncovering spending patterns that no longer serve you, or navigating uncomfortable financial conversations with your partner.

For couples, this would mean getting on the same page about money. I'll help you create a plan for ongoing financial management, ensuring both of you feel heard and involved. With guided discussions and aligned financial decisions, we can strengthen your relationship and reduce money-related conflicts.

Financial therapy isn't about giving you a one-size-fits-all solution. You're in the driver's seat, and I'm your guide. I'll help you develop healthy financial habits that work for your lifestyle and values. It's also important to understand that this doesn't replace professional financial advice. If you need guidance on specific investments or complex financial planning, I can connect you with qualified professionals.

Our focus is on the emotional aspects of money, along with some low-lift financial management strategies. Maybe you feel shame about past spending decisions, or anxiety about the future. By understanding these emotions, we can address the root causes of unhealthy financial behaviors.

The goal is to achieve financial peace of mind, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in your life.

How we’ll work together

We’ll start with an in-depth intake session. This will give me an opportunity to learn more about you and your goals, answer any questions you have, and co-create a plan to track your progress throughout our work together.

You choose the format that works best for you:

  • If you prefer to make progress steadily over time, we can meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for 50- or 80-minute sessions.

  • For accelerated results, concentrated therapy in the form of intensives may be a good fit for you. Like a large dose of therapy at once, you can experience rapid relief and healing with a relatively small time investment. Click here to learn more.

  • If you’re already working with another therapist and finding the work there helpful, great! Financial therapy can be a powerful addition to your work by helping to break through a specific barrier as you continue working with your therapist. Adjunct therapy can occur via ongoing or intensive therapy.

why i do this work

I specialize in Financial therapy because I’ve witnessed its transformative power firsthand.

Over the past decade, I've used these very principles in my own life, navigating financial challenges both as a single person and as part of a married couple with one and two incomes. This approach empowers you to feel in control of your finances, regardless of your current situation.

It’s time to transform your relationship with money.

Feel empowered and in control of your financial future.

Frequently asked questions

  • Financial therapy is a collaborative process where we explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors around money. We'll identify your financial goals, uncover any emotional triggers that might be holding you back, and develop simple strategies to improve your relationship with money and reach those goals. It's a safe space to unpack your financial story without judgment.

  • Absolutely! Budgeting is a fundamental tool for taking control of your finances. I'll provide you with budgeting tools and strategies tailored to your specific needs, and that work with your brain. Remember, you're in the driver's seat – I'm here to guide you as you build strong financial habits for success.

  • No, financial therapy focuses on the emotional aspects of money management, while financial advisors provide specific investment or planning recommendations. However, I can connect you with qualified financial professionals if that's a step you'd like to take in the future.

  • Financial therapy can be incredibly beneficial for couples. We can help you create a safe space to openly discuss money goals, values, and anxieties. By fostering understanding and collaboration, you can develop a unified financial plan that strengthens your relationship and reduces money-related stress.

  • Contact me to schedule a free consultation with me. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your counselor, and I’ll help you decide if I’m the right fit for you.