For law enforcement spouses In Roseville and across California & Texas

Relationship therapy

Helping spouses invest in themselves to create stronger relationships and a happier home life.

You fell in love for a reason, but that got lost somewhere in the long hours, night shifts, overtime and stress of such a demanding career.

Life as a LEO spouse feels lonely and unbalanced...

Your partner feels distant and detached, even when not at work. They don't talk or share much, even when all you want is connection and communication.

You manage the home on your own, take care of the kids by yourself, and are so likely to show up to birthday parties and holidays alone that friends and family don’t even ask where your partner is anymore. You knew this lifestyle would be tough, but you never expected to feel quite this alone. 

You have needs — for connection, intimacy, and support — that aren’t being met … but you feel guilty knowing your partner has burdens of their own and feeling lucky to just have them home safe every night.

But you know your spouse works hard too...

They work tirelessly to provide for your family. You can see how they love their work, but have a hard time leaving it there. And in an effort to protect your family, they don’t share much about the job.

Often, conflict stems from your partner feeling like they can’t win—like they’re working hard to support your family and it’s still not “enough”—or from the inability to connect. You get a lot of “yeah” and “uh-huhs,” but are missing true connection.

You want your spouse to know how much you appreciate their hard work, but you also need to feel safe to share what’s on your mind and heart without feeling like you’re on eggshells.

You’re ready to:

  • Process the ways this lifestyle has impacted you as an individual, as well as your relationship

  • Feel like your needs are being met in your relationship

  • Develop tools for better communication with your spouse

  • Improve connection and intimacy

  • Work through feelings of resentment and anger in order to be the best partner possible

  • Rediscover your own sense of self and identity, separate from this lifestyle

How it works

Relationship therapy can help law enforcement spouses get back in touch with themselves and cultivate deeper connections with their partners.

First responders face special challenges, having to protect their emotions while working and then often struggling to re-engage emotionally with family. This can leave spouses to cope with their partner’s often stoic and aloof exterior, resulting in frustration, anger, and conflict that pushes them further apart.

As the wife of a law enforcement officer, I understand the complexities of this lifestyle. I know the toll it can take not only on your family but on you as an individual. In our work together, I can help you remember who “you” are, while also repairing disconnection and honoring the specific needs of your relationship and your family.

Using evidence-based approaches like Emotionally Focused Therapy and Brainspotting, I can help you create new ways of relating to your partner and asking for what you want and need.  I also incorporate Brainspotting into my practice: a method that helps you bypass the “thinking” part of your brain to heal the root of your challenges. Through this work, you can gain new insight into yourself, reduce conflict & improve communication, and cultivate that strong connection that brought your partner and you together in the first place.

My goal is that you leave each session with something tangible to apply to your day-to-day: something to think about, something to try, something to read, or another tool to begin making the small tweaks that add up to big change. If your busy schedule doesn’t allow for traditional weekly or biweekly therapy, I also offer intensives. Click here to learn more.

Frequently asked questions

  • During the first few sessions we will talk about the struggles that bring you to therapy, your history, and define your goals. As a therapist, I have a real-life, practical, and straightforward approach. This means I will be actively involved in our sessions, helping you to achieve your goals.

  • How long you will be in therapy depends on your needs. The research suggests that most therapy clients feel improvement in 12 - 15 sessions and I would expect the same for us. Some clients feel better enough that they graduate within that time. Others find that they enjoy the process of therapy and want to continue as their lives change and evolve. My goal is to help you meet your goals as soon as possible. As long as counseling continues to be helpful, I’ll be here to support you.

  • While I can’t make guarantees, I can tell you that I know growth, healing and change are possible. I see it everyday as I witness my clients' relationships evolve and improve.

    Study after study has shown that the quality of the relationship between client and therapist is the most reliable and the most powerful predictor of a positive outcome in therapy, which is why I offer a free consultation to ensure I am the right person to help you.

  • It is within your right to decline a diagnosis. Diagnoses will only be provided for the purposes of submitting reimbursement claims to your healthcare insurance provider at your request. Any diagnoses will be discussed in advance.

  • A Therapy Intensive is an accelerated form of therapy designed to help clients go deeper and get results faster. Instead of attending therapy one hour per week for a year, you can accomplish the same level of work in just a few days. Intensives are an approach to help people feel better faster.

    Click here to learn more.

  • Brainspotting is an evidence-based approach to help you access your body’s own capacity to heal and achieve deep, long-lasting change. Much like you might look off into the distance to try and remember something, your eye positions are linked to different areas of your mind that store thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. In Brainspotting, we can access stored trauma or pain by fixing your eye positions on specific locations.

    Research indicates it may be more effective than Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) due to its increased precision.

    Curious? Click here to learn more.

  • As an evidence-based practice, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) has been shown to provide quick relief from upsetting and disturbing memories and events in just one to five sessions, typically over the course of 2 to 3 weeks. All without having to talk about the details.

    The directive and interactive design facilitates these rapid results at a deep neurological level, without the guesswork of free association, as in other therapies.

    Research indicates it may be more effective than Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) due to its increased precision.

    Curious? Click here to learn more.

  • Contact me to schedule a free consultation with me. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your counselor, and I’ll help you decide if I’m the right fit for you.

It is possible to feel appreciated and fulfilled in your relationship in the midst of this demanding lifestyle.

I can help you get there.